One of BUTCH DIVA's muses + model Khay, was recently shot in the latest Whitney Houston video wearing none other than BUTCH DIVA!!! The emotional irony is that I used to fckin looooooooooooooooooove me some Whitney Houston! After The Bodyguard, she was like my ultimate idol and I ran around screeching that soundtrack for months...then Bobby and that good ish got the best of her...and I kinda thought it was a wrap for the 'classic Whitney'. But here she is lookin fab as fuck! WELCOME BACK WHITNEY!!! And she got BUTCH DIVA all up in her come back! {Smiiiles}
Butch Diva, Inc caters to exclusive custom design + styling for females all over the globe. Spandex + Chaos is the ready-to-wear collection COMING SOON!!! Here you will find all the footage from the development process, inspirations, the party scene, social touring, travel, leisure, music, film, etc. BUTCH DIVA is not just a brand, but a lifestyle.
More importantly >>> on a steady rise to the top!
The butchdiva outfit is rocking the whole video. grand, just grand, great job Butch Diva!